The big kids had a day off of school, and my husband was still on vacation. So on a whim, we decided to pack up our family and head to the zoo. We had been given some Christmas money, which covered the zoo admission, but not enough to cover expensive, non-nutritious lunches at the zoo. What to do?
We quickly microwaved the frozen chicken nuggets, grabbed the remaining food items to create a balanced lunch, and we were off ... after having everyone go potty, grab coats and put on shoes. After feeding and changing the baby, and putting her in her carseat. After making sure we had the stroller, diaper bag and water bottles. But after that .... we were off on our adventure, with our healthy, cheaper-than-zoo-food lunches.
SuperBoy wanted a left-over turkey hotdog as his protein component.
I told LoveBug to say "cheese". Here's her response. :)
My hot hubby holding the baby, so that I could eat with both hands. What a guy!
And me, the orchestrator of our Grab-and-Go Lunches. So grateful I implemented this idea. What a delicious, healthy life-saver it has been!