Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Letter B Alphabento

Keeping in the theme of the Alphabet Bentos, I present to you the Letter B!

For the Letter B bento, I crafted a picnic-style lunch, the kind where you can pick at a little bit of this and munch on a mouthful of that. Yummy! Chewy slices of Baguette, on which you place slices of Barbecued chicken, top with a spoonful of homemade Bruschetta, or smear with Brie cheese. Baked Beans constitute the vegetable part of the lunch, while Blackberries and Brownie Bites make up the sweet portion.

That is what I put into my Letter B bento. Later on this week, I'll post a whole list of foods beginning with B. Start thinking about what to put in yours.


  1. YOU are amazing! I LOVE your blog! ~Elizabeth

  2. Why, thank you! I hope that I can inspire people to make appetizing, healthy lunches for their kids OR for themselves!
