Monday, September 29, 2014

Letter T Bento

Back to alphabentos ... Today is Letter T.

Here are the ingredients that I included in my Letter T Bento. Terra Taro chips. Foster Farms sliced deli Turkey. Tangelo sections. Tortellini. Toscana cheese. Tootsie rolls.

First, I prepped my food - cooking the tortellini, and separating out the Taro chips from the rest of the veggie chips. (Don't worry - we ate the remaining veggie chips for snack.)

I placed the tortellini into the Easy Lunchbox.

The Taro chips are placed into a separate container of the lunchbox, in order to keep the freshness. (Actually, here's a hint: I didn't place the chips into the lunchbox until morning. This action also keeps the veggie chips fresher.)

Small chunks of Toscana cheese (one of my favorites) fill up a silicone baking cup.

Thin slices of deli turkey are rolled up and secured with food picks.

Once the turkey roll-ups are placed in the other silicone cup, the juicy tangelo slices fill another compartment. A mini tootsie roll completes the Letter T Bento.

Begin thinking of the T ingredients that you could pull together for a Letter T Lunch, and check back on Thursday for a thorough list of healthy T foods.

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