Monday, March 10, 2014

Letter N Bento

The star of today's bento lunch is the Letter N. I believe this to be one of the most beautiful lunches that I have ever created. The colors are so vibrant. The food is scrumptious. All in all, it is a feast for the eyes AND tastebuds.

In the back corner of the Easy Lunchbox, I placed wedges of Naan (an Indian flat bread), as well as a small chunk of Neufchatel cheese, which may be spread on the Naan. In the USA, we commonly think of Neufchatel as a low-fat cream cheese, when in fact, it bears more likeness to a Brie cheese.

In the compartment in front of the Naan and Neufchatel cheese is a juicy salad of chopped Nectarines and Nuts.

However, the main delight of this lunch is the Napa Cabbage Slaw. Absolutely delicious and refreshing. A reminder to my tastebuds that perhaps Spring just might be around the corner. (At least, I hope it is!) I based my tasty concoction upon Napa Cabbage Salad found at Food & Wine, and then I tweaked it to fit my family's preferences. You simply MUST try it!

Lastly, I wrapped up the lunch by placing Nilla wafers in a silicone baking cup.

I pack my kids' and husband's lunches (and sometimes one for me too!) the night before, and I learned 2 things to pass along to you.

(1) In case you didn't know, it is SO much easier to pack the lunches the night before! Either enlist older children to help with making sandwiches and tossing veggies into baggies, OR wait until the kiddos are all in bed, turn up some music, and make some lunches happen.

(2) Here is the thing that I learned from packing and then eating this particular lunch. Pack the lunch the night before, but put the Nilla wafers into the lunchbox in the morning. The aromas from the Napa cabbage slaw slightly permeated the delicate, crumbly cookies, giving the Nilla wafers a mild taste of soy sauce and rice vinegar. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't exactly the taste that I was expecting. Lesson learned. And now you won't make the same mistake. You're welcome! :)

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